Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hello There, Dear Reader

Okay, so it's been a while since I posted. A looooong while!

Today was my first day of summer vacation, and I'm looking at 77 76 days off. School got out so late this year that it almost felt like it would never end. It was one of my best years ever, but even good things must end.

As for the blog, I just didn't have enough time to collect my thoughts in the last couple of months for a post. Life has been so busy and, quite honestly, kind of out of balance. But, I'm taking steps to get things back in balance. It seems like almost every endeavor of mine ends up with me in a leadership role. However, as the leader of this little family, I need to remember that being an only parent and breadwinner is enough responsibility on my shoulders. So, I relinquished one responsibility for the coming school year that didn't have an entirely positive impact on our family life. Hopefully, with that off of my plate, I can be a more focused parent and take better care of myself physically. 

Our plans for the summer include a trip to the Sierras with my parents, ballet and ukelele lessons for Michaela, working out and dropping a few pounds, lots of afternoons swimming in Grammy and Papa's pool, a few projects around the house (especially organizing - I looove organizing!), and ramping up my little ebay business for a successful fall. By the time I return to school in September, I hope to be satisfied with how we spent our time and refreshed for another great year in the classroom!

I also hope to blog our summer adventures. So check back soon!

P.S. Can you see my blog's header? I can't...