Monday, September 5, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes!

From this:

To this:


It was September 5th last year that I learned that I was pregnant with Michaela. It was an incredibly hard journey - all the failed attempts, Michael's illness and his journey Home, and a very difficult pregnancy. But today, I am the mother of a wonderful little girl. Every day with her is a new adventure, full of delights and challenges.

I remember desperately praying during that two-week wait. Really crying out to the Lord. Acknowledging the near impossibility of this ever happening what with Michael's sperm being effected by the cancer, and my eggs being old. But I knew that God could override all that and create a perfect baby if that was His will for my life. Michaela truly is a miracle, not of modern medicine, but of an all powerful God who lavishes His children with blessings.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17


  1. Joannah, this is so beautiful and so true. I already knew the story, but it gave me chills - the good kind - when I read it again. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow - without end!

  2. I am just sitting here crying. I have not come here for such a long time. I knew that your sweet husband had passed, but I did not know about your baby girl. I am so happy for you Joannah. You are such a beautiful person. You deserve every happiness....and now you have it.

  3. Praise the Lord. Your story has always been so inspiring, truly Beauty for Ashes!!

  4. Hello,
    I have a question about your blog. Please email me!

  5. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So happy for you and God's miracle just for you! He does truly understand just what we need!

  6. It's been a blessed and sacred privilege to watch your journey unfold over this past year, Joannah. Praising the Lord for His amazing grace to you!


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