Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello, Pre-pregnancy Wardrobe!

I have lost nearly all of the fifty pounds I gained while pregnant with Michaela!

I honestly did not think this was doable in such a short period of time, and I did absolutely nothing to make it happen. My plans for walking on a daily basis, and trying something like Nutrisystem were unnecessary. The weight just dropped off on its own. As my sister pointed out, I had a couple of things stacked against me - my age, and the fact that I wasn't able to breastfeed. Doesn't seem to have mattered though.

The last couple of months, I have been wearing size 10 pants as they were the largest size in my closet. I had gained weight back in 2009 during and after our first IVF, and I had invested in a few pairs of that size back then. Good thing I didn't get rid of them when I started to lose weight while Michael was sick. Over this summer, I even supplemented the few items of what I had with some things I was able to find on the clearance racks at Loft. I was fine with that, and I figured that if I plateaued at size 10 for a while, I could live with that.

But, this morning I weighed in and was surprised to see that I now weigh what I did on my wedding day. I weighed myself twice because I couldn't believe it. Then I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of size 8 pants. I fully expected that they would be tight, but they fit perfectly! I am giddy just thinking about all the pants I have to choose from this week.

After Michael went Home, I was pretty stressed out and I dropped nearly ten pounds, so I have some size 6 pants in the closet, too. Only time will tell if I will be able to fit into them. It's not something I am going to work towards, but it would be nice. I'm certainly not as skinny as I was when I met Michael. I think I was a size 2 back then, but I have no desire to be that thin again. I'm just pleased to be wearing the things I already own. It's been quite a while, and so they all seem new again!


  1. You go girl!! I would love to be a size 8 again. :) Losing all that weight without trying is awesome!

  2. Congratualtions! I think back to your posts last year at this time--what beauty God has brought from the ashes! Michaela is a wonder!


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