Monday, August 23, 2010

IVF #2, Day 15

I had myself a good cry last night. I took my cue from Hannah, the mother of Samuel, the great prophet of the Old Testament. Hannah was infertile until the Lord heard her prayer and her weeping, and blessed her with a son. So I poured my heart out to the Lord about my life. My heartache about being a widow and being childless at this point in my life. It's not the first time I've done so, but I was feeling so desperate. I cried so hard it made my ovaries hurt. I kid you not! I don't recommend having a hard cry after egg retrieval, but it had to be done.

There's just something about doing the ugly cry with God, and complaining to Him, and begging Him for help. He may not see things my way and answer my prayer the way I want Him to, but He will take my burden from me. I woke up feeling much better emotionally and physically.

So this morning I went to my acupuncture appointment, and I told Dr. P about the fertilization report. After she put the needles in me, she patted my leg and said she was going to go find out what was going on with those three other eggs that had been fertilized yesterday.

When she came back a few minutes later, she told me that one of them had fertilized and that there would now be three embryos for tomorrow's transfer! That made my whole day. After she left me alone to rest and for the needles to do their thing, I just thanked God for that blessing.

Three embryos!

Three possibilities!

So tomorrow's transfer will take place at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I'll have acupuncture before and after the transfer. Then I'll be on bed rest through Thursday, and house rest for the next four days.

Progesterone shots start tonight, but unlike the FET, I'll only have to have one shot per day in the evening. That will make it much easier to do than twice a day.

Time to wrap up this post and do some housekeeping. I'll try to post tomorrow with any news.


  1. Whoooooohooooooo ...
    I can't wait.... I feel it.. I need to be an Auntie..
    love ya..
    take it easy tomorrow and do what you are suppose too..
    Wish I was closer to come and help you ..
    You know me and my cleaning issue...

  2. Sending you nothing but positive vibes, Joannah.

  3. I knew it!! I just knew you were going to end up with more than 2 - but I know you have exactly what you need. I'll be checking for updates tomorrow. Sleep tight Joannah. xoxoxoxox

  4. Hang in there Joannah!! All our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!
    Love and (((Hugs)))!!!!
    Jan, John & Jillian Rose

    BTW, We passed the very first Saab dealership I've ever seen - didn't even know it existed!! I can't tell you how many times I've passed by it and never knew it was there!!! Loaded with Saabs, too!!!!

  5. WOW!! word verification for my previous comment was "believe"!!!

  6. Oh, Joannah - praying and hoping right along with you. A cleansing cry likely did you good in a lot of ways. Thinking about you so much! Sarah

  7. I'm so excited for are going to be a mommy...I just know it! :) And God wants us to come to Him with all our ugly cries...He was just waiting for you!

  8. I'm rooting for you, Joannah. I want this so badly for you. Praying today.

  9. Keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  10. Thinking of you
    knowing that with our difference in time zone, you are going to head to your transfer soon.
    Maybe you are there already having acupuncture,
    maybe soon.
    know you are in my thoughts and my heart sweet one,
    and I am hoping with ALL of my heart that your three possibilities will decide to nestle in.

    Take good care of your self and Your beautiful big heart,

  11. Hi Joannah,
    I can't tell you how much I've been thinking about you this week. From 3,000 miles away. Another virtual stranger is praying for you and sending you good mommy vibes. Please take good care. You are in all of our thoughts.
    All the best,

  12. I pray with every ounce of my soul that today God will grant you your every hearts desire x 3 :) Praying, praying, praying!!!!


  13. Joannah, if you'd be blessed with at least one daughter, I think her name should be Hannah, so similar to yours and so appropriate to your crying to God!

    Just a thought. Prayers, my friend, prayers.

  14. Yes, He carries our burdens. Love that!


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